Monday, April 23, 2012

Los Angeles Pet Grooming

The Wizard of Paws mobile pet grooming has just joined Blogger, this page will be under construction, but if you live in the Los Angeles area. Call now at (323) 525 0853 to make an appointment. All dogs / cats are $50 minimum, which includes bath & brush, ear cleaning, nails, anal glands, and flea dip if they are carrying any. All haircuts are $20-25 extra. Call and say that you found us on our Blogger to receive a 15% discount.

We do any breed, and are available from Monday-Saturday from 8am-5pm.

This American Pitbull always enjoys being groomed since we always give her treats! We love grooming this dog because it's always calm and gives the occasional kisses!

Enormous dog! An Alaskan mixed with a Wolf, it takes almost 2 hours to finish this big boy. We enjoy him since its the biggest dog we've groomed, and is just a complete sweet heart!